About Me
By defining what qualifies us as being successful, stunts our ideal selves.
My Mission is to empower individuals to step into their power and shift their energy to fuel their goals.

My Story
[ Finding the role you were born to play. ]
It all started to feel like a bad movie whose ending I didn’t like — until I discovered the power of personal coaching. I joined a brilliant community of supportive women, mentors, and professional leaders who totally rewired my approach to life, work, and relationships.
I was always healthy and physically active – so I had no reason to worry about my physical health when I found out I was pregnant. Little did I know I’d face extreme difficulties carrying my first born (son) and my second born (daughter) that would cause me to re-evaluate my entire outlook on work, family, and health.
[ Powering through the pain ]
I experienced postpartum depression and pelvic health issues which were misdiagnosed by multiple specialists. At the same time, I was part of a very toxic work environment. I lost the love and passion for my career as a result of the unlimited hours, high expectations, and no mentorship in sight.
It all came to a head during my second pregnancy. I was once again in unrelenting pain, bedridden, and forced to walk away from a new job just 1 week into the position. I was later hospitalized for three weeks to help with pain management – before my daughter was born.I was eager to begin my physio as early as I could and get back to feeling like myself again, by understanding the demands of a newborn, working on survival mode for my daughter, I knew I had to change the cycle that became all consuming.
[ My journey into coaching... interrupted by a cancer scare ]
When my daughter was 4 months old, I decided to take a Coaching program through Creating Realities with my Mentor and teacher Tammy Neilson. It was an amazing experience. But in a tragic twist of fate, Tammy passed away shortly after our program was completed – and a new wound had to begin healing. Tammy’s passing inspired me to keep pushing. I became certified in the Arts and Science of Mindfulness and decided to start my own Coaching practice when I noticed a pain in my chest. I didn’t think anything of it. I live with chronic pain as a result of my pregnancies, but I thankfully did a self-examination and discovered a lump. I was diagnosed with breast cancer which required a lumpectomy and radiation treatment five days a week for two months. It took a little over a year after my treatment completed to feel like myself again.
[ Coming back stronger than ever. ]
While entertaining to watch, it's difficult to think of our real-life fitting into the perfectly formulated mold of a Hollywood movie.
Once I began to regain my physical and mental strength, I got back, registered back into a Coaching program, and became certified. I found my voice, and my passion and began helping other women like myself, who were feeling isolated, under-supported at work and having difficulty with other major life changes.
That’s how MyRomCom was born, and it’s what we promise to every single individual we support on their journey. While coming face to face with some physical, mental or existential conflict, MyRomCom will be your unbiased partner, joining you on your path of self-discovery to reach your goals.
Each of us is individually shaped by various quirks, dreams, desires, flaws, and obstacles that are not so cut and dry. MyRomCom understands that we may feel like our lives are part of a bad movie sometimes, but with the right supporting cast -- we can turn yours into an inspiring story.
Nahid Buie, Founder & Life Coach